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Oldenburg Academy hosts astronomer Dean Regas

On Thursday, May 2, Oldenburg Academy hosted astronomer Dean Regas from the Cincinnati Observatory for a talk titled "Archeoastronomy: Ancient Paths of the Sun, Moon, and Stars," which focused about what ancient artists knew about the stars and how we can learn about their knowledge though art.

Dean Regas started his talk about talking about all of the opportunities available to scientists and previewing his work, which includes television, podcasts, and work at the Cincinnati Observatory. Dean then moved to talk about what cave paintings show us about the knowledge of the ancients, especially in relation to astronomy.

Dean showed students photos of a pyramid called Chichen Itza where, as the sun moves, it looks like there's a serpent climbing down the steps -- and there's 91 steps, one for every 4 days of the year, plus a large one at the top. He showed students how the Temple of the Sun let individuals know that it was summer because of the precise placement of the window on the side of the temple.

Dean's bio from the Observatory website:

Dean has been the Astronomer for the Cincinnati Observatory since 2000. He is a renowned educator, author, national popularizer of astronomy and an expert in observational astronomy.

Dean is the co-host of Star Gazers, a new twist on an iconic backyard astronomy program which airs on over 100 PBS stations around the world. He is the author of three books "Facts From Space!", "100 Things to See in the Night Sky", and 100 Things to See in the Southern Night Sky. Dean is a Contributing Editor to Sky and Telescope Magazine and a contributor to Astronomy Magazine, where he won 2008 “Out-of-this-World” Award for astronomy education. Dean has written over 120 astronomy articles for the Cincinnati Enquirer, blogged for the Huffington Post and is regularly featured on television and radio. Since 2012 Dean has been a frequent guest on National Public Radio’s Science Fridaywith Ira Flatow, and this year he began an astronomy podcast with Anna Hehman called "Looking Up!"

At the Cincinnati Observatory, he has developed his skills as a dynamic writer and public speaker who brings the complicated field of astronomy down to Earth for students of all ages.

You can follow Dean on Twitter @DeanRegas.

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